

AM:Asset Management
AMI:Automatic Metering Infrastructure
AMP:Asset Management Plan
AMR:Automatic Meter Reading
ARRA:American Reinvestment and Recovery Act
CIP:Capital Improvement Plan
CMMS:Computerized Maintenance Management System
DO:Dissolved Oxygen
GIS:Geographical Information System
GPS:Geographical Positioning System
ICLEI:International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives
ISO:International Organization for Standardization
LOS:Level of Service
O&M:Operations and Maintenance
OIS:Operator Interface System
PM:Preventative Maintenance
NYSERDA:New York State Energy Research and Development Authority
R&R:Repairs and Replacements
SCADA:Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
SOP:Standard Operating Procedure
USGS:United States Geological Survey
VFD:Variable Frequency Drive
WEF:Water Environment Federation