Component Analysis
Component analysis is a deeper look at the specific components, or activities, that may be contributing to “non-revenue“ water (e.g. customer meters or main line water breaks). Once the components are identified, data related to the component itself can be gathered and analyzed to better assess the nature of the problem. Then, the data gathered for the component analysis may be used as a comparison to the information entered in the water audit. Hence, the component analysis can provide a check on those data related to the component to see if different values should be entered into the audit. The component analysis can be an effective tool to help drive action towards addressing the particular component contributing to non-revenue water.
This section provides resources available to help with the analysis.

Break Rate Index
This Break Rate Analysis Tool was developed by the Southwest Environmental Finance Center (SW EFC) to compare annual main breaks from your system to the US/Canadian average break rates for 7 pipe materials.
Leakage Component Analysis Model
WEB TOOL 05/30/2014. The Leakage Component Analysis (LCA) Model was developed to provide the water industry with a computer-based model for leakage component analysis, failure frequency analysis, economic leakage control intervention strategy evaluation, and display of key water loss performance indicators.
Real Loss Component Analysis: A Tool for Economic Water Loss Control
WRF REPORT #4372A 05/30/2014. The Real Loss Component Analysis Tool was developed by the Water Resource Foundation to assist systems performing water audits with next-level analysis relating to their real losses.