Ask the Expert: Asset Management 2017
This 2017 webinar provided a chance for participants to ask any questions regarding asset management and its implementation from two experts, one from the U.S. and one from New Zealand.
Asset Decision Matrix – Phase 1: Deal with the Immediate Crisis
Decision matrix (1 of 3) that helps you make asset repair/rehab/replace decisions.
Asset Decision Matrix Phase 2: Determine Cause of Failure and How to Prevent Failure
Decision matrix (2 of 3) that helps you determine the cause of the failure and decide measures to enact to prevent that same failure.
Asset Decision Matrix Phase 3: Data Considerations
Decision matrix (3 of 3) that helps you with data collection and data management.
Asset Inventory and Mapping for Small Water Systems
As we move beyond the basics of asset management, we will briefly revisit the overall thought-process of asset management during the first part of this training, before focusing on more advanced concepts related to asset inventory and mapping.
Asset Inventory Spreadsheet
This downloadable Excel spreadsheet is intended for rural water systems and can be used to track assets over time.