Getting Started
As water system infrastructure ages and droughts continue to stretch water resources, a water loss control program becomes critical. Water loss control programs can help water systems defer and reduce the need to expend valuable time, money, and other resources on repairs and replacements. Water loss control programs may also lower energy costs for pumping. In addition, a water loss control program may contribute to protecting the public health of a community by reducing the likelihood of undetected leaks. Leaks often compromise the distribution barrier, enabling pathogens to enter the water system.
Resources found here will help you understand and implement a water loss control program.

An Introduction to Strategies to Address Real Water Losses (Part 1)
This webinar will focus on the four methods of reducing real water loss: responding to known leaks faster, asset management, pressure management, and finding hidden leaks.
Comprehensive Water Loss Control Program – Goal Setting Guide
If a water utility is going to begin a water loss control program, it should clearly define and understand its goals for the program. This document provides the benefits of goal setting along with example goals a utility may wish to set.
GA Water System Audit and Water Loss Control Manual
The Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD) announces the release of the GA Water System Audit and Water Loss Control Manual. This new manual will assist water providers in meeting the new statutory requirements outlined in the Georgia Water Stewardship Act of 2010 (SB 370/HB 1094).
Generic v6 Water Loss Audit Procedures Template
An editable Word template for documenting Water Audit procedures at a utility to facilitate the timely preparation of annual water audits using v6 of the AWWA Free Water Audit Software.
M36 Water Audits and Loss Control Programs (4th Edition)
Each year millions of gallons of water are lost to leakage, meter error, and water theft – impacting a utilities bottom line. This manual paired with AWWA’s free Water Audit Software gives you everything you need to greatly improve your water loss program.
Texas Water Loss Manual
Each year millions of gallons of water are lost to leakage, meter error, and water theft – impacting a utilities bottom line. This manual paired with AWWA’s free Water Audit Software gives you everything you need to greatly improve your water loss program.
The Water Audit Handbook for Small Drinking Water Systems
To assist small systems with in preparing an audit, the Southwest Environmental Finance Center developed The Water Audit Handbook for Small Drinking Water Systems.
Water Audit Validator Certificate Course Training Manual
Water Audit Validators examine water loss audit inputs prior to audit submission to the California Department of Water Resources (per SB555).
Water Audits and Water Loss Control for Public Water Systems
This document provides an introduction to water loss control and information on the use of water audits
in identifying and controlling water losses in public water systems.