Comprehensive Water Loss Control
A water loss audit will help identify total non-revenue water (NRW) as well as the major categories of NRW, but effective water loss control requires going beyond just the audit. Implementing a comprehensive water loss control program requires an understanding of utility goals and operations, loss trends, applicable control strategies, water loss economics, monitoring strategies, and much more. To be effective, water loss controls must be integrated into a utility’s business plan at both the strategic and tactical levels.
The links in this section of the Water Loss Switchboard will take you to tools and resources that can guide your comprehensive water loss control plan development.

Generic v6 Water Loss Audit Procedures Template
An editable Word template for documenting Water Audit procedures at a utility to facilitate the timely preparation of annual water audits using v6 of the AWWA Free Water Audit Software.
Guidance on Implementing an Effective Water Loss Control Plan – Report and Webcast
WRF hosted a webcast on project 4695, Guidance on Implementing an Effective Water Loss Control Plan which will help water utilities assess their current water loss situation, develop targets for water loss control programs, identify various intervention approaches, estimate costs and benefits of potential interventions, and develop a “roadmap” for preparing a water loss control program.
Texas Water Loss Manual
Each year millions of gallons of water are lost to leakage, meter error, and water theft – impacting a utilities bottom line. This manual paired with AWWA’s free Water Audit Software gives you everything you need to greatly improve your water loss program.
The Water Audit Handbook for Small Drinking Water Systems
To assist small systems with in preparing an audit, the Southwest Environmental Finance Center developed The Water Audit Handbook for Small Drinking Water Systems.
Water Loss Control Plan Template
Water Loss Control Plan Template created for the state of TN. Useful for most systems developing a Water Loss Control Plan.