HomeCurrent State of the Assets / Inventory Data Collection and Storage; Tools, Software, Maps

Inventory Data Collection and Storage; Tools, Software, Maps


Several approaches may be necessary to get a good start on the asset inventory.  A system should use as many approaches as it deems necessary to get the best initial inventory of assets.


Table 7: Approaches for collecting inventory data

Interview former employees
Review as-built drawings and other engineering drawings
Perform visual observations
Take pictures of assets
Interview community members
Consult state natural resource agencies
Interview contractors/engineers
Use above ground assets to estimate what is below
Review historical pictures
Review USGS topographic maps
Review aerial photographs
Consult conservation organizations
Use existing inventories
Use metal detectors
Review system records
Consult state or federal records
Consult city planning departments
Consult federal scientific and natural resources agencies

When new assets are being installed it is a good idea to include an update of the asset inventory in the request for proposals for the project and ensure that it is part of the contract. It is important to request the data in a format compatible with the system’s computer software.

When data for the inventory comes from outside sources, the data may need to be reviewed.  The system should identify any data that relies on outside sources and document what needs to be done to access and update it.  The frequency with which the data should be updated should also be defined and revised as needed.

Taking pictures of not only the asset but also the asset name plate – Mark Winslow, Asset Management Coordinator, Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority, Albuquerque, NM