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Common Wastewater Treatment Terms

Common Wastewater Treatment Terms

A short resource guide on wastewater treatment including a glossary of common terms, summary of processes, and a list of related useful mathematical formulas.

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Criticality for Small Water Systems

Criticality for Small Water Systems

Asset Management is a process that allows a water or wastewater system to better manage its assets and improve the workday for its employees. This virtual training module focuses on factors impacting Criticality and how to analyze and visualize Criticality. We discuss assigning numerical values for POF and COF and how to calculate risk, what can a system do to reduce their Criticality score, redundancy, triple-bottom line thinking, and how use criticality in decision-making.

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Data Validity Worksheet

Data Validity Worksheet

An alternative to AWWA’s Water Audit Software Data Validity, an Excel tool that will allow you to answer specific questions related to each audit data point and have your data validity scored automatically.

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