Non-Community Water Systems
Asset Management Training
This Non-Community Water System Asset Management Training is recommended for both transient and non-transient systems and can be presented as a two-hour session or as a four-hour session that includes interactive workshops. The training is designed to be delivered in person but can also be delivered in a synchronous virtual format such as a webinar or Zoom meeting. The presentation script and workshop instructions contain suggestions for presentation in a virtual format.
The complete training packet (including instructions, presentation, script, instructor, and participant workshop handouts) can be downloaded as a zip file here or individual components can be downloaded separately below. To present the basic two-hour session download the “Non-Community Asset Management Training” PowerPoint, and “Script for Non-Community Systems – Full Presentation” file listed below under “Instructor.” To include one or more workshops in your training download the corresponding “Instructor” and “Participant” files listed below.
After you have downloaded your selected files, be sure to review each of the training sections in the PowerPoint presentation, and the optional workshop instructor handouts (if workshops are to be given) for additional directions.
Please note that this presentation was developed by the Southwest Environmental Finance Center with EPA funding and is in the public domain. You are welcome to add your organization logos and presenter names when presenting this material, but do not remove any content attribution from the presentation or workshop files.
Non-Community Asset Management Training Instructions
This document includes details about the various training sections, workshops, delivery formats, timing, suggestions for modifications, and a glossary.
Intended Audience: Instructor
Non-Community Asset Management Training Presentation
The training presentation is a PowerPoint file. The presentation slides contain a complete script including “CLICK” prompts for advancing the presentation slides and animations, as well as instructions to help the presenter facilitate discussion in the various live and virtual formats the presentation can be given in within the notes section.
Intended Audience: Instructor
Script for Non-Community Systems - Full Presentation
The Script duplicates the presentation notes in a stand-alone file that can be printed and used to assist delivery (if for example the presenter does not have dual screens to show both the presenter and participant views). The script includes screenshots of every slide, “CLICK” prompts for advancing the presentation slides and animations, and instructions to help the presenter facilitate discussion in the various live and virtual formats the presentation.
Intended Audience: Instructor
Level of Service Workshop - Instructor Version
In this workshop participants apply concepts learned in the training to develop Level of Service goals in three categories for a hypothetical Non-community water system taking the system’s provided Mission Statement and business details into account. The Instructor Copy includes workshop setup details and discussion prompts for the workshop. The file is an interactive PDF which can be saved on a computer and filled out electronically or be printed and filled out manually.
Intended Audience: Instructor

Level of Service Workshop - Participant Copy
This is the pdf version of the Level of Service exercise that should be used during a 4 hour training session at the completion of the Level of Service section of the presentation. This should be used for printing/handouts.
Intended Audience: Instructor
Current State of the Assets Workshop - Instructor Version
In this workshop participants apply concepts learned in the training to: 1) evaluate and discuss presented inventory data, 2) develop an asset condition rating scale and criteria, and 3) apply the developed condition scale to workshop assets. The Instructor Copy includes workshop setup details and discussion prompts for the workshop. This file is an interactive PDF which can be saved on a computer and filled out electronically or be printed and filled out manually.
Intended Audience: Instructor
Current State of the Assets Workshop - Participant Copy
This is the pdf version of the Current State of the Assets exercise that should be used during a 4 hour training session at the completion of the Current State of the Assets section of the presentation. Use this version for printing/handouts.
Intended Audience: Instructor
Criticality Workshop – Instructor Copy
In this workshop participants will: 1) assign Probability of Failure and Consequence of Failure rankings to assets, 2) calculate Criticality scores for each asset, and 3) plot the assets on a Criticality Grid. The Instructor Copy includes workshop setup details and discussion prompts for the workshop.
The workshop download contains three files:
- Criticality Workshop – Participants Version (PDF)
- Asset Criticality Grid (PDF)
- Asset Criticality Grid (Word Document)
The PDF files are interactive and can be saved on a computer and filled out electronically or be printed and filled out manually. The two Asset Criticality Grids files are the same document in different formats. The Word Document version plots assets on the grid automatically based on the scores entered. It is recommended that the instructor use the Word version to display a completed Criticality plot to the audience.
Intended Audience: Instructor
Criticality Workshop - Instructor Version
This is the Word version of the Current State of the Assets exercise that should be used by the instructor during a 4 hour training session at the completion of the Criticality section of the presentation.
Intended Audience: Instructor
Criticality Asset Grid - Word Version
This file allows the instructor to share the results of the Criticality workshop with the class on the screen.
Intended Audience: Instructor
Level of Service Workshop - Participant Copy
In this workshop participants apply concepts learned in the training to develop Level of Service goals in three categories for a hypothetical Non-Community water system taking the system’s provided Mission Statement and business details into account. The workshop handout is an interactive PDF that can be completed on a computer or be printed and filled out manually.
Intended Audience: Participant
Current State of the Assets Workshop - Participant Copy
In this workshop participants apply concepts learned in the training to: 1) evaluate and discuss presented inventory data, 2) develop an asset condition rating scale and criteria, and 3) apply the developed condition scale to workshop assets. The file is an interactive PDF which can be saved on a computer and filled out electronically or be printed and filled out manually.
Intended Audience: Participant
Criticality Workshop – Participant Copy
In this workshop participants will: 1) assign Probability of Failure and Consequence of Failure rankings to assets, 2) calculate Criticality scores for each asset, and 3) plot the assets on a Criticality Grid.
The Participant’s workshop download contains three files:
- Criticality Workshop – Participants Version (PDF)
- Asset Criticality Grid (PDF)
- Asset Criticality Grid (Word Document)
The PDF files are interactive and can be saved on a computer and filled out electronically or be printed and filled out manually. The two Asset Criticality Grids files are the same document in different formats. If you use the Word Document version, the plotting component of the workshop is done automatically. The PDF version requires that plotting be completed manually.
Intended Audience: Participant