Idaho Water Utility Financial Analysis Tool
This tool allows Idaho utilities to enter financial information (revenue, expenses, assets and liabilities) and provides an assessment of financial health.
Your one stop location for resources related to your wastewater needs.
Integrated Asset Management Framework for Water, Wastewater and Stormwater Systems
Whitepaper describing the Integrated Asset Management Framework
Integrated Asset Management Framework: Combining Green and Gray Assets
This Integrated Asset Management Framework is a framework created by the Southwest Environmental Finance Center (SW EFC)
KanCap Water Management Manual
This manual provides guidance for the management of water utilities, including board organization and management, financial and technical operation.
Leak Detection: Technology and Implementation
Effective leak detection can be an important part of a real water loss control program. Not sure how to get started? A comprehensive, open-access guide to leak detection technology and implementation is available to download at no cost. Use the link below to access the document or click through for an in-depth description of the eBook.