E.M. Project Ideas, Prioritization Methods, and Implementation Planning (3)

For many water systems, the electric (or energy) bill is one of the largest operating expenses regularly incurred by the water utility. It is also one of the most controllable operating expenses a water utility will have. However, even after an energy assessment has been completed and a baseline of energy usage constructed, water utility managers may lack ideas for projects that they could undertake for energy management. Or they may be unsure how to prioritize competing energy management project ideas and how to implement those projects. This webinar presents ideas for sample projects and focuses on how to prioritize and implement such projects.
Watch the webinar recording below to:
– Learn the 5th and 6th steps of implementing an energy management plan, as outlined in the seven-step framework in the New York State Energy Research & Development Authority (NYSERDA) Water & Wastewater Energy Management Best Practices Handbook.
– Understand energy management project ideas for small water systems, as well as ways to prioritize and implement such projects.
– Hear from a water system in Kansas that has done significant energy management work, resulting in operating cost savings.