Life Cycle Costing for Small Water Systems

Asset Management is a process that allows a water or wastewater system to better manage its assets and improve the workday for its employees. It helps improve efficiency and reduce unplanned, reactionary activities in favor of more planned, proactive work. This virtual training module will provide an in-depth and more advanced overview of life cycle costing, and how it can be utilized in assessing risk and capital planning.

This virtual training module will cover several topics related to life cycle costing, including:

  • what is included in the life cycle of an asset;
  • how to develop a strategic operation and management plan;
  • how risk can drive decisions regarding operation and maintenance;
  • what goes into a capital improvement plan;
  • how risk can drive decisions related to capital improvement; and
  • understanding the difference between managing assets and asset management.


Presenter: Heather Himmelberger