The Southwest Environmental Finance Center’s (SW EFC) Integrated Asset Management Framework is made possible through funding from Spring Point Partners. Many organizations, systems, and individuals contributed to the creation of the framework. The SW EFC would like to acknowledge those contributors for their roles and support in designing and developing this framework.
The SW EFC would like to thank members of the Green Infrastructure Leadership Exchange (GILE) for beta testing the framework and the Green Infrastructure Ontario Coalition (GIO) for serving as project partners and subject matter experts during the beta testing phase. In particular, the SW EFC would like to acknowledge the six GILE members involved in the beta testing:

The SW EFC held two convenings for this project. The first in Albuquerque, New Mexico and the second virtually. At the first convening, attendees addressed several overarching questions pertaining to blending green infrastructure into traditional asset management. At the second convening, attendees provided feedback on the draft framework. The SW EFC would like to thank the following attendees for their expertise and insight.